competitive test
Смотреть что такое "competitive test" в других словарях:
Competitive trail riding — (CTR) is an equestrian sport where riders cover a marked trail for a distance that is usually between 15 and 40 miles per day. Some rides are only one day long, others may run as long as three days. The goal of the competition is to demonstrate… … Wikipedia
Test de feminite — Test de féminité Un test de féminité est un test pratiqué lors des compétitions sportives pour déterminer si les sportives professionnelles ne seraient pas des hermaphrodites ou des femmes androgynes. Les athlètes qui échouent au test de féminité … Wikipédia en Français
Test and learn — is a set of practices followed by retailers and consumer focused companies to test ideas in a small number of locations or customers to predict impact. The process is often designed to answer three questions about any tested program before… … Wikipedia
Test market — A test market, in the field of business and marketing, is a geographic region or demographic group used to gauge the viability of a product or service in the mass market prior to a wide scale roll out. The criteria used to judge the acceptability … Wikipedia
Competitive intelligence — A broad definition of competitive intelligence is the action of defining, gathering, analyzing, and distributing intelligence about products, customers, competitors and any aspect of the environment needed to support executives and managers in… … Wikipedia
Test de féminité — Un test de féminité est un test pratiqué lors des compétitions sportives pour déterminer si les sportives professionnelles ne seraient pas des hermaphrodites ou des femmes androgynes. Les athlètes qui échouent au test de féminité ont la… … Wikipédia en Français
test — 1. To prove; to try a substance; to determine the chemical nature of a substance by means of reagents. 2. A method of examination, as to determine the presence or absence of a definite disease or of some substance in any of the fluids, tissues,… … Medical dictionary
competitive variety test — konkursinis veislių bandymas statusas T sritis augalininkystė apibrėžtis Visapusiškas kuriamos veislės įvertinimas gamybinėmis agrotechnikos sąlygomis prieš perduodant atlikti valstybinius tyrimus. atitikmenys: angl. competitive variety test rus … Žemės ūkio augalų selekcijos ir sėklininkystės terminų žodynas
competitive examination — A test by objective standards or measures. Where the standard or measure is wholly subjective, it differs, in effect, in no respect from an uncontrolled opinion of the examiners and cannot be termed competitive. Fink v Finegan, 270 NY 356, 1 NE2d … Ballentine's law dictionary
test — To bring one to a trial and examination, or to ascertain the truth or the quality or fitness of a thing. Something by which to ascertain the truth respecting another thing; a criterion, gauge, standard, or norm. In public law, an inquiry or… … Black's law dictionary
Lateral flow test — Lateral flow tests [ [ Concurrent Engineering for Lateral Flow Diagnostics (IVDT archive, Nov 99) ] ] also known as Lateral Flow Immunochromatographic Assays are a simple device intended to… … Wikipedia